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AGU Research Spotlight (Dec 07-Dec 13, 2018)

2018-12-14 10:11:57

Climate Change:

1. One Fifth of Los Angeles's CO2 Rises from Lawns and Golf Courses

Measurements of carbon-14 show that roughly 20% of carbon dioxide emissions in the Los Angeles Basin are likely due to the decay of plants in managed landscapes.


2. Arctic Undergoing Most Unprecedented Transition in Human History

The Arctic Report Card, released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, outlines vast changes taking place in the Arctic region. Here are some major findings.


3. Ocean Science Decade Comes at Time of Precarious Decline

The UN-endorsed decade from 2021 to 2030 promises to advance ocean science and sustainable use of the oceans and reverse the decline in the health of the oceans.


4. Penguin Poop Keeps a Record of Antarctic Glaciation

Scientists are digging up Adélie penguin guano to study millennia of Antarctica's history.


5. Developing Ocean Acidification "Champions" in Congress

Ocean acidification "provides a case study of a way that we can drive forward bipartisan action on an environmental issue", says an Ocean Conservancy scientist.


Science Policy:

1. Illustrating Casual Sexism in Science

Little sexist comments are a big issue that can be difficult to talk about. These illustrations help strike at how such comments can harm and can serve as a starting place for conversations.


2. Universities Can Lead the Way Supporting Engaged Geoscientists

Geoscientists want to engage communities and policy makers. Colleges and universities can help by embracing five core capacities.


Space & Planets:

1. Meet IceWorm: NASA's New Ice-Climbing Robot

A robot that can inch up icy surfaces may help scientists reach new heights in some of Earth's most dangerous and remote landscapes.



1. Outreach Events Engage Queer and Transgender Youth in STEM

Run by queer and transgender scientists, a new program aims to help high school students of similar identities see a future for themselves in science.


Atmospheric Sciences:

1. Google Trends Could Help Scientists Track Allergy Season

Admit it: When your nose starts to run and your eyes itch, you search Google, too.



1. Healing Power of Clay? Not as Off-the-Wall as You Might Think

An ancient folk remedy, blue-green iron-rich clay, kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria using a one-two punch, a new study shows.


2. Penguin Poop Keeps a Record of Antarctic Glaciation

Scientists are digging up Adélie penguin guano to study millennia of Antarctica's history.


3. Extinct Megatoothed Shark May Have Been Warm-Blooded

Preliminary results from a recent study may begin to shed light on why megalodons died out before the most recent ice age.


Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Volcanology:

1. A Deeper Investment for Deep Time Science

Seven proposals recently funded by the National Science Foundation will ensure more access to laboratories that specialize in geochronology.



1. Neanderthals Likely Ate Rotten Meat

Neanderthals have long been painted as meat-eating machines. But could a new look at a dietary proxy and how it changes when meat rots uncover insights into what these extinct hominids really ate?

