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张天乐 博士后





2024年 理学博士 北京大学 环境科学与工程

2019年 理学学士 中国海洋大学 海洋化学


Zhang, T., Liu, J., Xiang, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Ying, Q., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Cheng, S., Chai, F., Zheng, M.*, 2024. Quantifying anthropogenic emission of iron in marine aerosol in the Northwest Pacific with shipborne online measurements. Science of the Total Environment, 912: 169158.

Zhang, T., Zheng, M.*, Sun, X., Chen, H., Wang, Y.*, Fan, X.*, Pan, Y., Quan, J., Liu, J., Wang, Y., Lyu, D., Chen, S., Zhu, T., Chai., F., 2023. Environmental impacts of three Asian dust events in the northern China and the northwestern Pacific in spring 2021. Science of the Total Environment, 859: 160230.

Zheng, M.*, Zhang, T., Xiang, Y., Tang, X., Wang, Y., Geng, G., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Ye, C., Yan, C., Chen, Y., Zhu, J., Zhang, Q., Zhu, T., 2024. A newly established air pollution data center in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-024-4055-4

Liu, J., Zhang, T., Ding, X., Li, X., Liu, Y., Yan, C., Shen, Y., Yao, X., Zheng, M.*, 2022. A clear north-to-south spatial gradience of chloride in marine aerosol in Chinese seas under the influence of East Asian Winter Monsoon. Science of the Total Environment, 832: 154929.

Luan, M., Zhang, T., Li, X., Yan, C., Sun, J., Zhi, G., Shen, G., Liu, X., Zheng, M*., 2022. Investigating the relationship between mass concentration of particulate matter and reactive oxygen species based on residential coal combustion source tests. Environmental Research, 212: 113499.

张天乐 & 郑玫*, 2024. 中国近海及西北太平洋气溶胶铁的研究进展.中国环境科学, 44: 602-619.


Zhang, T., Zheng, M., Wang, Y., Fan, X., Pan, Y., Lyu, D., Chen, S., Zhu, T., Chai., F. Investigating transport and environmental impacts of the strongest Asian dust event over the past decade in China. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 20th Annual Meeting, 2023, Singapore.

Zhang, T., Liu, J., Zhang, L., Chai, F., Zheng, M. Anthropogenic contribution to iron in marine aerosol in the northwest Pacific Ocean in spring. AGU Fall meeting, 2020, online.

Zhang, T., Zheng, M., Sun, X., Chen, H., Wang, Y., Fan, X., Pan, Y., Quan, J., Liu, J., Wang, Y., Lyu, D., Chen, S., Zhu, T., Chai., F. Transport and impacts of three Asian dust events in spring 2021 in the northwestern pacific. The Sixth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences, 2023, Xiamen, China.

华夏 博士后





2024年 博士 中国地质大学(武汉) 地质学

2019年 硕士 英国爱丁堡大学 地质学

2017年 学士 英国爱丁堡大学 地质学


Hua, X., Yin, R., Kemp, D. B., Huang, C., Shen, J. and Jin, X., 2023. Mercury isotope constraints on the timing and pattern of magmatism during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 624, 118438.

Zhu, Y., La Croix, A., Kemp, D. B., Shen, J., Huang, C., Hua, X., Li, Y., Wei, M., 2024. Are sulfides the primary host of sedimentary Hg? A case study from the lower Jurassic of the Surat Basin (Australia). Chemical Geology, 122028.

Jin, X., Ogg, J. G., Lu, S., Shi, Z., Kemp, D. B., Hua, X., Onoue, T. and Rigo, M., 2022. Terrestrial record of carbon-isotope shifts across the Norian/Rhaetian boundary: A high-resolution study from northwestern Sichuan Basin, South China. Global Planetary Change 210, 103754.


Hua, X., Kemp, D. B., Yin, R., Shen, J., Jin, X., Song, Y., Huang, C. Interpreting variability in Hg concentrations and Hg-isotopes across intervals of large-scale volcanism: A case study from the end-Triassic. Goldschmidt, 2022, online.

Hua, X., Yin, R., Kemp, D. B., Huang, C., Shen, J. Mercury isotope constraints on the timing of intrusive-extrusive magmatism during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Goldschmidt, 2023, Lyon, France.

Hua, X., Kemp, D. B., Shen, J., Yin, R., Jin, X., Huang, C. Mercury as a paleo-volcanism proxy: sedimentary bias and a critical analysis across the ETME. IAS, 2024, Aberdeen, UK.

徐超 博士后



2024年 博士 日本千叶大学 地球环境科学

2019年 硕士 西南石油大学 油气田开发工程

2016年 学士 西南石油大学 石油与天然气工程




Xu, C., & Tomaru, H. (2023). Simulation of methane hydrate formation in coarse‐to fine‐grained sediments in the Nankai Trough, Japan. Island Arc, 32(1), e12502.


Xu, C., & Tomaru, H. (2022). Permeability Prediction Based on the Logging Data of Gas Hydrate Reservoir by Using Machine Learning Method. JpGU Meeting 2022.

Xu, C., & Tomaru, H. (2021). Simulation of methane hydrate formation based on the methane-water flow and sediment properties in the Nankai Trough, Japan. AGU Fall Meeting 2021.

Xu, C., & Tomaru, H. (2021). Simulation of methane hydrate formation in coarse-/fine-grained sediments in the Nankai Trough, Japan. JpGU Meeting 2021.

刘国王辰 博士后



2024 博士 北京师范大学 环境科学






Liu, G., Chen, L.*, Wang, W., Wang, S., Zhu, K., Shen, Z., 2024. New paradigm for watershed model development by coupling machine learning algorithm and mechanistic model. Journal of Hydrology, 636, 131264. (SCI-TOP)

Liu, G., Chen, L.*, Wang, W., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Li, J., Lin, C., Xiong, J., Zhu, Q., Liu, Y., Zhu, H., Shen, Z., 2023. Balancing water quality impacts and cost-effectiveness for sustainable watershed management. Journal of Hydrology, 621(12):129645. (SCI-TOP)

Liu, G., Chen, L.*, Wang, W., Sun, C., Shen, Z., 2020. A water quality management methodology for optimizing best management practices considering changes in long-term efficiency. Science of The Total Environment, 725, 138091. (SCI-TOP)

Liu, G., Chen, L.*, Wei, G., Shen, Z., 2019. New framework for optimizing best management practices at multiple scales. Journal of Hydrology. 578, 124133. (SCI-TOP)

Liu, G., Chen, L.*, Shen, Z.*, Xiao, Y., Wei, G., 2019. A fast and robust simulation-optimization methodology for stormwater quality management. Journal of Hydrology. 576, 520–527. (SCI-TOP)

Liu, G., et al., 2018. The research on flocculation of Microcystis aeruginosa with combination of microbial flocculant and alum. 2018 7th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (ICEESD 2018). (EI)

刘国王辰,陈磊*,李佳奇,张钰晨,赵奕欣,刘妍琪,沈珍瑶,2023.流域尺度污染溯源模拟-优化防控方法:以铜陵市顺安河流域为例[J].环境科学: 2023,44(7):3835-3845. (中文核心)

李磊 博士后



2024年 北京航空航天大学 机械电子工程 博士

2018年 北京航空航天大学 机械设计工程 硕士

2014年 太原理工大学 机械设计工程 学士




[1] Lei Li, Wenbo Liu, Bocheng Tian, Peiyu Hu, Wenzhuo Gao, Yuchen Liu, Fuqiang Yang, Youning Duo, Hongru Cai, Yiyuan Zhang, Zhouhao Zhang, Zimo Li, and Li Wen, An aerial-aquatic hitchhiking robot with remora-inspired tactile sensors and thrust vectoring units, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023.(SCI收录,IF = 7.4)

[2] Lei Li, Siqi Wang, Yiyuan Zhang, Shanyuan Song, Chuqian Wang, Shaochang Tan, Wei Zhao, Gang Wang, Wenguang Sun, Fuqiang Yang, Jiaqi Liu, Bohan Chen, Haoyuan Xu, Pham Nguyen, Mirko Kovac, Li Wen, Aerial-aquatic robots capable of crossing the air-water boundary and hitchhiking on surfaces, Science Robotics, 2022.(SCI收录,IF = 34)

[3] Lei Li, Siqi Wang, Bohan Chen, Shanyuan Song, Wei Zhao, Li Wen, The biomimetic remora disc with independent compartment enables an aerial-aquatic quadrotor robot perching to diverse complex surfaces, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Vol. 61, pp. E528-E529, 2021.(SCI收录,IF = 3.74)

[4] Siqi Wang*, Lei Li*, Wenguang Sun*, Wainwright Dylan, He Wang, Wei Zhao, Bohan Chen, Yufeng Chen, Li Wen, Detachment of the remora suckerfish disc: kinematics and a bio-inspired robotic model, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Vol. 15, No. 5, 0056018, 2020. (共同一作,SCI收录,IF = 3.52)

[5] Siqi Wang*, Lei Li*, Wei Zhao*, Yiyuan Zhang, Li Wen, A biomimetic remora disc with tunable, reversible adhesion for surface sliding and skimming, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, Vol. 17, No. 3, 03600, 2022(共同一作,SCI收录,IF = 3.52)

[6] Lei Li, Wenbo Liu, Hongru Cai, Peiyu Hu, Zimo Li, Jihui Guo, Youning Duo, Wenzhuo Gao, Jiaxi Xing, Fuqiang Yang, Bocheng Tian, and Li Wen, Remora-inspired sensing adhesive disc for an intelligent hitchhiking robot, Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2022.

[7] 李磊文力,王越平,王思奇,王田苗,仿生软体吸附机器人:从生物到仿生,中国科学:技术科学,Vol. 48, No. 12, PP. 1275-1287, 2018.(EI收录)


周顺 博士后



2023 博士 中国海洋大学 微生物学(硕博连读)

2016 学士 南京林业大学 林学




1. Shun Zhou, Jiwen Liu, Peng Yao, et al. Unique bacterial communities and lifestyles in deep ocean blue holes: Insights from the Yongle Blue Hole (South China Sea). Front Mar Sci, 2023, 10:1086117.

2. Shun Zhou, Qiaomeng Ren, Yuying Li, et al. Abyssibacter profundi gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from seawater of the Mariana Trench. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2018, 68(11), 3424-3429.

3. Yanfen Zheng, Jinyan Wang, Shun Zhou, et al. Bacteria are important dimethylsulfoniopropionate producers in marine aphotic and high-pressure environments. Nat Commun, 2020, 11(1), 4658.


l 2018.08-2018.09中国科学院海洋研究所西太平洋马里亚纳海域科考航次

l 2017.09-2017.12国家海洋局西太平洋中南部水体综合调查秋季航次

l 2017.06三沙永乐龙洞综合调查航次

l 2017.04-2017.05国家自然科学基金重点项目长江口-闽浙近海调查航次

l 2016.12 国家自然科学基金委渤黄海共享航次

林兆然 博士后





2023 博士 中山大学法学院 国际法(硕博连读)

2017 学士 中山大学法学院 法学


2021-2022 德国马克斯·普朗克比较公法与国际法研究所访问学者

2022 荷兰海牙国际法学院暑期研修班(国际公法)学员











1. Zhaoran Lin. 2021. “The Volatile Concept of Historic Titles (over Land Territories) in International Legal Discourse: A Critical TWAIL and Marxist Perspective” T.M.C. Asser Workshop on Method, Methodology & Critique in International Law, Hague, Netherlands, Dec 2021.

2. Zhaoran Lin. 2021. “Legal Issues Relating to Unmanned Maritime Systems under the Law of Naval Warfare” THE 4TH SINO-EUROPEAN STATES INTERNATIONAL LAW OF THE SEA SYMPOSIUM, Xiamen, China, Oct 2021.

Tariqul Islam 博士后



2019 博士 中国海洋大学,环境工程

2013 硕士 Bangladesh Agricultural University,环境工程

2011 学士 Bangladesh Agricultural University,环境工程



2020-2022 Associate Professor,Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering, Sylhet Agricultural University

研究课题:Effect of soil physical properties in selecting suitable agricultural machinery to demonstrate the required performance

2015-2019 博士研究生,中国海洋大学

研究课题:Investigation on Anionic and/or Cationic Dyes Removal Using Alginate Crosslinked Prunus avium Leaf Mediated Nanoparticles and Rice Husk Mediated Adsorbents,

2013-2014 Lecturer,Agricultural Construction and Environmental Engineering, Sylhet Agricultural University

2012-2013 硕士研究生,Bangladesh Agricultural University

研究课题:Development of low cost arsenic and iron removal unit for potable water

2007-2011 本科生,Bangladesh Agricultural University

研究课题:Estimation of the demand of water and water losses in Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus




1. Islam, T., Li, Y., Rob, M.M., Cheng, H., 2022. Microplastic pollution in Bangladesh: Research and Management Needs. Environmental Pollution. 308 (2022): 119697. (SCI)

2. Islam, T., Ali, I., Naz., I., Kayshar, M.S., 2022. Appraisal of Nanotechnology for Sustainable Environmental Remediation, by Elsevier edited book “Sustainable Nanotechnology for Environmental Remediation”. 3-29 (SCI).

3. Islam, T., Li, Y., Cheng, H., 2021. Biochars and Engineered Biochars for Water and Soil Remediation: A Review. Sustainability. 13(17): 9932. (SCI).

4. Islam, T., Ali, I., Naz, I., Peng, C., Zahid, M.K., Amjad, M.A., 2020. Bio-Nanocomposites for Wastewater Treatment. Aquananotechnology by Elsevier: Applications of Nanomaterials for Water Purification. 239-262 (SCI).

5. Islam, T., Peng, C., Ali, I., Li, J., Khan, Z.M., Sultan, M., Naz, I., 2020. Synthesis of rice husk derived magnetic bio-char through liquefaction to adsorb anionic and cationic dyes from aqueous solutions. Arabian J. Sci. Engg. 46: 233-246 (SCI).

6. Islam, T., Peng, C. 2019 Synthesis of carbon embedded silica and zeolite from rice husk to remove trace element from aqueous solutions: characterization, optimization and equilibrium studies. Sep. Sci. Tech. 2019; 1-14. (SCI).

7. Islam, T., Tong, Y., Peng, C., 2018. Adsorption of eriochrome black T dye using alginate crosslinked Prunus avium leaf mediated nanoparticles: characterization, optimization and equilibrium studies. Desal. Water. Treat. 131: 305-316. (SCI).

8. Islam, T., Liu, J., Shen, G., Ye, T., Peng, C., 2018. Synthesis of chemically modified carbon embedded silica and zeolite from rice husk to adsorb crystal violet dye from aqueous solution. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res. 16 (4): 3955-3967. (SCI).

9. Islam, T., Peng, C., Ali, I., 2018. Morphological and cellular diversity of magnetotactic bacteria: A review. J. Basic. Micrbiol. 58: 378-389. (SCI).

10. Islam, T., Peng, C., Ali, I., Abbasi, I.A., 2018. Comparative study on anionic and cationic dyes removal from aqueous solution using different plant mediated magnetic nano particles. Ind. J. G. M. Sci. 47:598-603. (SCI).

11. Islam, T., Peng, C., Ali, I., Abbasi, I.A., 2018. Assessment of heavy metals and organic pollutants of wastewater in different region of Bangladesh. Ind. J. Geo Mar. Sci. 47 (12): 2552-2556. (SCI).

12. Islam, T., and Peng C. 2020. Arsenic removal from aqueous solutions using carbon embedded silica and zeolite: column adsorption studies, Aust. J. Eng. Innov. Technol., 2(3), 42-53.

13. Ali, I., Peng, C., Naz, I., Khan, Z.M., Sultan, M., Islam, T., Abbasi, I.A., 2017. Phytogenic magnetic nanoparticles for wastewater treatment: a review. RSC Adv. 7:40158–40178. (SCI).

14. Ali, I., Peng, C., Khan, Z.M., Naz, I., Sultan, M., Ali, M., Abbasi, I.A., Islam, T., Ye, T., 2019. Overview of microbes based fabricated biogenic nanoparticles for water and wastewater treatment. J. Environ. Mang. 230: 128-150. (SCI).

15. Ali, I., Naz, I., Peng, C., Abd-Esalam, K.A., Khan, Z.M., Islam, T., Pervez, R., Amjed, M.A., Tehrim, A., Perveen, I., Sehar, S., 2020. Sources, classifications, constituents, and available treatment technologies for various types of wastewater: An overview. Aquananotechnology by Elsevier: Applications of Nanomaterials for Water Purification. 1-36 (SCI)

16. Islam T, Abedin M. Z, Rahman M. Z. and Rashid M. A., 2013. Development of low cost arsenic and iron removal unit for potable water. Bangladesh J. Agri. Engg. 24(1&2) 1-8; 2013.

17. Islam T, Kayshar M. S. and Akter F., 2013. An overview of demand and losses of water used in domestic purposes at Bangladesh agricultural university. Bangladesh J. Agriculturist. 6(1&2): 53-57, 2013.

18. Kayshar M. S, Khaliduzzaman, Rahman A. and Islam T., 2013. Analysis of physicochemical properties and effect of pulp on processed chutney of traditional, late and organic variety of pineapple. Bangladesh J. Agriculturist. 6(1&2): 17-22, 2013.

19. Hasan M.K, Islam T. and Saha K.K, 2014. A Study on traditional wheat storage facilities in flood prone areas under bhola district. J. Sylhet Agril. Univ. 1(2): 299-305, 2014.

20. Hasan M.K, Abedin M. Z, Islam T. and Rahman M.Z., 2015. Traditional rice storage facilities and options for safe storage: A study in some selected flood-prone areas under Bhola district. J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 13(1): 125-130, 2015.

21. Akter F, Farjana T, Islam T, Khanom T. F, Islam K. R. and Alim A., 2014. Seasonal distribution of Mosquitoes (Diptera:Culiciade) in Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) campus, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Vet J. 48 (1-4): 11-24, 2014.

22. Islam, T., 2020. Environmental effects on Coronavirus (COVID-19) fatality in South Asia. Book Chapter: COVID-19 in South Asia; It’s Impact on Society, Economics and Politics, Forthcoming from Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-032-20663-9. Accepted.

23. Islam, T., Sultan, M., Ashraf, H., Usman, M., 2020. Investigation of Air quality and fatality associated with COVID-19 in highly affected regions. J. Environ. Health Sci. Engg. (Under Review).

卢汐 博士后



2021  博士  Stony Brook University: Marine and Atmospheric Sciences 纽约州立大学石溪分校 海洋与大气科学学院

2015  硕士 中国科学院海洋研究所 海洋化学

2012  学士 中国海洋大学 化学(含海洋方向)


2021 – 2022  博士后研究员,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stony Brook University(纽约州立大学石溪分校电子与计算机工程学院)

项目:Decreasing Ocean Acidification via SEA MATE: Safe Elevation of Alkalinity for the Mitigation of Acidification Through Electrochemistry

项目负责人:Matthew Eisaman

2016 – 2021 博士研究生,School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University(纽约州立大学石溪分校海洋与大气科学学院)

项目:Photochemical mineralization of marine refractory dissolved organic carbon (RDOC): method evaluation and optimization

导师: Steven R. Beaupré

2013 – 2015 硕士研究生,中国科学院海洋研究所



2011 – 2012 本科研究助理,自然资源部第一海洋研究所



2009 – 2012 本科研究助理,中国海洋大学




海洋生物地球化学/海水碳循环/ 海洋碳氢氧同位素/ 研究方法设计与改进


MATLAB编程 / 14C真空线操作 / 总有机碳分析仪 / 自动滴定仪 / SAMI-pH / 分光光度计 / pH计 / 匀浆机 / 超声粉碎机 / 凝胶电泳


Lu, X. and S. R. Beaupré (2021). "Evaluation of the moderate DI13C isotope enrichment method for measuring photochemical mineralization of marine dissolved organic carbon." Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 19(9): 651-658. doi: 10.1002/lom3.10450.

Lu, X. and S. R. Beaupré (2019). "Optimized Volume Determinations and Uncertainties for Accurate and Precise Manometry." Radiocarbon 61(4): 1077-1089. doi:10.1017/RDC.2019.43.

Beaupré, S. R., D. J. Kieber, W. C. Keene, M. S. Long, J. R. Maben, X. Lu, Y. Zhu, A. A. Frossard, J. D. Kinsey, P. Duplessis, R. Y.-W. Chang and J. Bisgrove (2019). "Oceanic efflux of ancient marine dissolved organic carbon in primary marine aerosol." Science advances 5(10): eaax6535. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax6535.

Frossard, A. A., V. Gérard, P. Duplessis, J. D. Kinsey, X. Lu, Y. Zhu, J. Bisgrove, J. R. Maben, M. S. Long, R. Y.-W. Chang, S. R. Beaupré, D. J. Kieber, W. C. Keene, B. Nozière and R. C. Cohen (2019). "Properties of seawater surfactants associated with primary marine aerosol particles produced by bursting bubbles at a model air–sea interface." Environmental science & technology 53(16): 9407-9417. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b02637.

Frossard, A. A., M. S. Long, W. C. Keene, P. Duplessis, J. D. Kinsey, J. R. Maben, D. J. Kieber, R. Y. W. Chang, S. R. Beaupré, R. C. Cohen, X. Lu, J. Bisgrove and Y. Zhu (2019). "Marine Aerosol Production via Detrainment of Bubble Plumes Generated in Natural Seawater With a Forced‐Air Venturi." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124(20): 10931-10950. doi:10.1029/2019jd030299.

卢汐, 宋金明, 袁华茂, 李宁, 李学刚, 段丽琴, 曲宝晓 (2016). "黑潮主流径海域海水中的无机碳及其对东海陆架区的影响. 海洋与湖沼." 海洋与湖沼 47(1): 16-28.

宋金明, 段丽琴, 卢汐 (2016). "台湾东部黑潮主流径区2014年春秋季水体碳的垂直变化特征与影响因素." 海洋科学集刊 51: 205-232.

卢汐 (2015). 黑潮与东海的碳交换, 中国科学院海洋研究所.

卢汐, 宋金明, 袁华茂, 李宁 (2015). "黑潮与毗邻陆架海域的碳交换." 地球科学进展 30(2): 12-23.

Qu, B., J. Song, H. Yuan, X. Li, N. Li, L. Duan, X. Chen and X. Lu (2015). "Summer carbonate chemistry dynamics in the Southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea: Regional variations and controls." Continental Shelf Research 111: 250-261. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2015.08.017.

袁华茂, 宋金明, 李学刚, 李宁, 段丽琴, 曲宝晓, 卢汐, 陈鑫 (2015). "南黄海及长江口邻近海域夏季溶解有机碳的分布特征及其影响因素." Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences 3: 155-160.


Lu, X., M. Ringham, N. Hirtle, J. Herndon, C. Shaw, K. Hillis, B. Carter and M. Eisaman (2022). Characterization of an electrochemical approach to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, AGU.

Lu, X. and S. R. Beaupré (2020). Evaluation of the MoDIE method for measuring photochemical mineralization of dissolved organic carbon. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, AGU.

Kieber, D. J., S. R. Beaupré, W. C. Keene, M. S. Long, A.A. Frossard, J. D. Kinsey, P. Duplessis, J. R. Maben, X. Lu, R. Chang, Y. Zhu and J. Bisgrove (2018). Primary Marine Aerosol Production and Refractory Marine Organic Matter Cycling: Interactions Among Bubbles, Marine Organic Matter, and the Sea Surface Microlayer. 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, AGU.

Beaupré, S. R., D. J. Kieber, W. C. Keene, M. S. Long, A. A. Frossard, J. D. Kinsey, P. Duplessis, R. Chang, J. R. Maben, X. Lu, Y. Zhu and J. Bisgrove (2017). Radiocarbon (14C) Constraints On The Fraction Of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon In Primary Marine Aerosol From The Northwest Atlantic. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Duplessis, P., R. Chang, A. A. Frossard, W. C. Keene, J. R. Maben, M. S. Long, S. R. Beaupré, D. J. Kieber, J. D. Kinsey, Y. Zhu, X. Lu and J. Bisgrove (2017). Influences of Scavenging and Removal of Surfactants by Bubble Processing on Primary Marine Aerosol Production from North Atlantic Seawater. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Frossard, A. A., V. Gerard, P. Duplessis, J. D. Kinsey, X. Lu, Y. Zhu, J. Bisgrove, J. R. Maben, M. S. Long, R. Chang, S. R. Beaupré, D. J. Kieber, W. C. Keene, B. Noziere and R. C. Cohen (2017). Contribution of Seawater Surfactants to Generated Primary Marine Aerosol Particles. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Keene, W. C., M. S. Long, P. Duplessis, D. J. Kieber, J. R. Maben, A. A. Frossard, J. D. Kinsey, S. R. Beaupré, X. Lu, R. Chang, Y. Zhu and J. Bisgrove (2017). Properties and Fluxes of Primary Marine Aerosol Generated Via Detrainment of Turbulence-Modulated Bubble Plumes from Fresh North Atlantic Seawater. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Kieber, D. J., M. S. Long, W. C. Keene, J. D. Kinsey, A. A. Frossard, S. R. Beaupré, P. Duplessis, J. R. Maben, X. Lu, R. Chang, Y. Zhu and J. Bisgrove (2017). Dynamic Bubble Surface Tension Measurements in Northwest Atlantic Seawater. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Long, M. S., W. C. Keene, J. R. Maben, R. Y.-W. Chang, P. Duplessis, D. J. Kieber, S. R. Beaupré, A. A. Frossard, J. D. Kinsey, Y. Zhu, X. Lu and J. Bisgrove (2017). Simulating Bubble Plumes from Breaking Waves with a Forced-Air Venturi. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.



(1)海水主要物理与化学参数的测量,包括溶解氧,化学需氧量,碳循环体系参数(pH,总碱度,DIC,DOC,POC),14C参数 (DI14C, DO14C, PO14C), 溶解性营养盐(NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, SiO4-Si), 以及叶绿素-a等等;


(3)协助同航次其他研究组的样品采集,包括表面张力,海水主要离子, CDOM和海水荧光样品



2022年11月24日 – 12月29日,南海

2023年2月14日– 4月19日 ,西太平洋

(2)联合航次: coupled ocean-atmosphere recycling of refractory dissolved organic carbon in seawater

2021年7月22日 – 8月1日,百慕大大西洋时间序列研究

2016年9月11日 – 10月15日,北大西洋


2014年11月6日 – 12月8日,东海,南海,西太平洋


2014年6月20日 – 6月26日,黄海

6月6日 – 6月12日,黄海

2013年8月13日 – 9月2日,黄海,东海


2012年5月1日 – 5月12日,胶州湾,黄海


刘瑞 博士后





2022 博士 北京大学历史学系 世界史

2018 硕士 北京师范大学历史学院 世界史

2015 学士 北京师范大学历史学院 历史学


2021 东京大学综合文化研究科特别研修生

2019-2021 哈佛大学历史系访问学者、赖肖尔日本研究所研究助理

2016-2017 东京学艺大学“亚洲校园”项目交换生




刘瑞:《无帆起航:黄海的拖网机船与现代渔业(1914-1945)》,《Next Generation Research and Future for Reconciliation and Co-prosperity in East Asia in the 21st Century》,韩国翰林大学编,ISBN 979-11-6983-460-5。




Liu, R. 2021. "Reshaping Oceanic Asia: Sino-Japanese Fishing Relations and the U.S. Role during the Early Postwar Period, 1945-1955." Conference of East Asian Environmental History, Kyoto, Japan, Sept 2021.

Liu, R. 2019. "Modernity, Hybridity and Environmental Change: the Transformation of Fishery Management in Haizhou Bay, 1917-1937." World Congress of Environmental History, Florianópolis, Brazil, July2019.

Liu, R. 2018. "A Study of the 1931 Kokusui-kai (“Patriotic Society”) Incident: from the Perspective of Transforming Fishery Management." Oceans Past International Conference, Bremerhaven,German, Oct 2018.





(1) 北京大学亚太研究院年度课题:《本地知识与世界方案:20世纪亚太区域的海洋科学与可持续发展》,主持,2023年 5 月-2024年5月。

(2) 国家社科基金重大专项,子课题成员,《亚洲文明全要素研究》,负责人:钱乘旦,子课题负责人:张亚光,负责“亚洲海洋文明要素研究”。

(3) 研究阐释党的二十大精神国社科重点项目,成员,《中国式现代化的历史脉络与推进路径》,负责人:张亚光 ,负责“中国海洋现代化的历史脉络与推进路径”。

(4) 国家社科基金青年项目,成员,《二战后纽约都市区环境治理研究》,负责人:张凯成,负责“从倾倒到保护:纽约都市区海洋垃圾治理研究”的资料搜集与文献整理工作。

庞晓雷 博士后









博士论文:Heat and salinity transport across the Indonesian Archipelago over the last 270,000 years: new insights into the orbital and millennial dynamics of the Indonesian Throughflow and the Intertropical Convergence Zone

硕士论文:东帝汶海160 ka以来上部水体与性质变化及其古海洋学意义


Pang, X., Bassinot, F., Sepulcre, S., 2021. Indonesian Throughflow variability over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles: Evidence from the eastern Indian Ocean. Quaternary Science Reviews 256, 106839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106839

Pang, X., Bassinot, F., Sepulcre, S., 2020. Cleaning method impact on the Mg/Ca of three planktonic foraminifer species: A downcore study along a depth transect. Chemical Geology 549, 119690. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119690


Pang, X., Bassinot, F., Sepulcre, S., Zhou, L., Ding, X. Li/Ca in multiple species of planktonic foraminifera: Observed millennial to glacial-interglacial variations, Goldschmidt, 2021, Lyon, France.

Pang, X., Bassinot, F., Sepulcre, S., Venecpeyre, M. The thermal evolution of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool since the Last Glacial Maximum: upper water structure and heat storage. Colloque Q11 sur le Quaternaire, 2018, Orléans, France.

Pang, X., Bassinot, F., Sepulcre, S., Cleaning procedure effects on elements/Ca of planktonic foraminifera tests. Goldschmit conference, 2017, Paris, France.

Pang, X., Ding, X., Bassinot, F. Glacial-interglacial thermocline variability of Indonesian throughflow. ICP12, 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands.


胡佳竹 博士后



2016年9月— 2021年2月 历史学,博士 英国圣安德鲁斯大学

(国家留学基金委博士生奖学金、School of History General Postgraduate Scholarship、St Leonards 7th Century Scholarship)

2014年9月— 2016年9月 中世纪研究,研究硕士 英国圣安德鲁斯大学Scotland's Saltire Scholarships

2010年9月— 2014年6月 英语语言文学,学士,复旦大学





博士课题: 中世纪英格兰港口城市之声:与五港同盟相关的请愿书(1272-1377)(Voices of Medieval English Maritime Towns: petitions concerning the Cinque Ports c. 1272-1377)

硕士课题:中古晚期英格兰的信使(Messengers in Later Medieval England)


Jiazhu Hu, 'The Cinque Ports and Great Yarmouth in dispute in 1316: Maritime violence, royal mediation and political language', International Journal of Maritime History, 32.3 (2020), 666-80. [DOI: 10.1177/0843871420944650]


(1) Jiazhu Hu, 'From the king's enemy to the king's serjeant: the business of a Flemish pirate in late medieval England', The Problem of Piracy Conference II, online, 4-6 August 2021;

(2) Jiazhu Hu, 'Representing maritime communities with petitionary language in fourteenth-century England: the case of the Cinque Ports', Virtual International Medieval Congress (vIMC 2020), Leeds, 6-10 July 2020;

(3) Jiazhu Hu, 'The 1316 disputes between the Cinque Ports and Great Yarmouth: how did medieval English ports quarrel over maritime predation in petitionary language?', The Problem of Piracy Conference, Glasgow, 24-26 June 2019;

(4) Jiazhu Hu, 'Barons rather than Burgesses: representation of communities in the petitions from the medieval Cinque Ports', 14th International Conference, European Association for Urban History (EAUH), 'Urban renewal and resilience: cities in comparative perspective', Rome, 29 August - 1 September 2018;

(5) Jiazhu Hu, 'Messengers in late Middle English Literature', Branch conference, International Courtly Literature Society, British Branch, 'At the Margins of the Courts', St Andrews, 10-11 April 2017.

魏丹 博士后



2009年9月 ~ 2013年1月,就读于北京大学城市与环境学院,获理学博士学位;

2007年9月 ~ 2009年7月,就读于北京大学城市与环境学院,攻读硕士学位;

1996年9月 ~ 2000年7月,就读于西北师范大学历史系,获历史学学士学位。



2000年7月至2007年7月,敦煌研究院 院长秘书。







4、《< 金史·地理志>城市行政行政建制疏漏及补正研究》,刊《地理学报》2012年第10期。

易多 博士后



2012年10月 ~ 2016年03月 材料学,博士 (三实验室联合培养-跨学科研究)(国家留学基金委公派博士留学生全额奖学金)

                                         法国技术大学-贝尔福分校LERMPS实验室 (复合结构材料领域)

                                         法国斯特拉斯堡大学 ICUBE-IPP实验室(光纤传感领域)

                                         法国巴黎十大 LEME实验室(热机械仿真领域)

2010年09月 ~ 2012年06月 光学工程, 硕士, 北京交通大学

2006年09月 ~ 2010年06月 光信息科学与技术, 学士, 北京交通大学


光学:光纤光学,光纤传感, 导波光学,光电检测;







项目1:光纤微地震监测系统研制 (横向,参与,下达部门:新疆油田勘探技术工程院)





项目名称:光纤传感器嵌入热喷涂涂层实现智能复合结构控制应用 (法国国家自然科学基金)







(1)YI, Duo, SERIO, Bruno, LECLER, Sylvain, et al. "Heat Flux Estimation of a Flame Thermal Spray Process Using a Thermally Thin Composite Calorimeter". Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2016, vol. 25, no 8, p. 1650-1656. (已发表,JCR-3, IF:1.488 )

(2)YI, Duo, COSTIL, Sophie, PFEIFFER, Pierre, et al. "Embedding properties of optical fibers integrated into ceramic coatings obtained by wire flame thermal spray". Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, vol. 24, no 3, p. 035027.  (已发表,JCR-2, IF:2.909)

(3)YI,Duo, HE,Xiangge, LIU,Fei, et al. "Triple low-reflectivity Fiber Bragg Gratings accelerometer with the push-pull structure ". Photonics Journal  (审稿中)




(1)YI, Duo, QIU, Xiaokang, GU, Lijuan, et al. "Research on an optimized optical fiber accelerometer for well logging". Proceedings of SPIE Commercial+ Scientific Sensing and Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017. p. 102080Z-7.  (EI收录)

(2)YI, Duo, PFEIFFER, Pierre, SERIO, Bruno, et al. "Integration of an intensity-modulated optical fiber temperature sensor into ceramic coating obtained by wire flame thermal spray". Proceedings of SPIE Optical Metrology, 2015.p. 95253G-1.   (EI收录)

(3)YI, Duo, COSTIL, Sophie, PFEIFFER, Pierre, et al. Optical fiber embedding in thermal spray coating promises new smart materials design able to operate under harsh environment. Proceedings of SPIE Optical Sensing and Detection III, 2014. p. 914112. (EI收录)



(2)张敏(合作导师),易多,邱晓康,何向阁,刘飞,古利娟. 一种实现共模噪声自抑制的光纤矢量水听器及其传感方法:中国,2017.已受理,申请号:201711020663. X


(1) Xiaokang Qiu, Fei Liu, Bin Xie, Hongpu Zhou, Duo Yi, Xiangge He, Xiaoping Zheng,“A new fiber optic accelerometer with the push-pull structure using 3x3 coupler”,  25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. April 23, 2017. (Top conference)

(2)Li Han, Xiangge He, Yong Pan, Fei Liu, Duo Yi, Chengjun Hu, Min Zhang, Lijuan Gu, "Distributed acoustic sensing technique and its field trial in SAGD well", Proc. SPIE 10464, AOPC 2017: Optical Information and Network (Optical Fiber Sensors), 104642K,25 October 2017;

(3)何向阁,刘飞,古利娟,易多,张敏. 点式与分布式相结合的声波传感系统,2017 中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛,2017 年10月

(4)刘飞,何向阁,,易多,古利娟,张敏. 声光调制器对于外差解调干涉型光纤传感器噪声性能的影响 2017 中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛,2017 年10月

古利娟 博士后



2005.9 ~ 2009.7    华中师范大学  物理学院  物理学基地班  理学学士

2009.9 ~ 2014.6    北京大学  物理学院  光学专业  博士

2014.7 ~ 至今      北京大学  物理学院  凝聚态物理    博士后






(1) Lijuan Gu, Hai Huang, and Zizhao Gan, Sagnac effect of excitonic polaritons, Phys. Rev. B 2011, 54, 075402。

(2) Lijuan Gu, and Zizhao Gan, Phase conjugate fiber optic gyroscope”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2014,32, 1663。

(3) Li Han, Xiangge He, Yong Pana, Fei Liu, Duo Yi,  Chengjun Hua, Min Zhang and Lijuan Gu*, Proc. of SPIE 2017, 10464, 104642K.

(4) He X, Xie S, Liu F, Cao S, Gu L, Zheng X, Zhang M,Multi-event waveform-retrieved distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor using dual-pulse heterodyne phase-sensitive OTDR ,Opt. Lett. 2017, 42(3): 442-445。

何向阁 博士后



2012.08 ~ 2017.06 清华大学 电子工程系 | 电子科学与技术专业 博士

2008.09 ~ 2012.07 华中科技大学 光电子科学与工程学院 | 光信息科学与技术专业 学士




[1] He X, Xie S, Liu F, Cao S, Gu L, Zheng X, Zhang M. Multi-event waveform-retrieved       distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor using dual-pulse heterodyne phase-sensitive OTDR. Optics Letters, 2017, 42(3): 442-445. (SCI收录, 检索号: EJ6CZ, IF: 3.04)

[2] He X, Xie S, Cao S, Liu F, Zheng X, Zhang M, Yan H, Chen G. Influence of stimulated Brillouin scattering on positioning accuracy of long-range dual Mach–Zehnder interferometric vibration sensors. Optical Engineering, 2016, 55(11): 116111. (SCI收录, 检索号: EF9RX, IF: 0.984)

[3] He X, Liu F, Qin M, Cao S, Gu L, Zheng X, Zhang M. Phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry with heterodyne demodulation. Proceeding of SPIE, 25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, 2017, 10323: 103235Q. (A类国际会议,EI收录,Best student paper award)

刘飞 博士后



2012年  获天津大学电子科学与技术(光电子)专业学士学位

2017年  获清华大学电子科学与技术专业博士学位

2017年 ~ 至今 在北京大学信息科学与技术学院区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室从事博士后研究工作




井下光纤微地震监测系统研制及现场试验 从事光纤传感器的信号解调以及系统搭建等任务。

高温井下压力传感器  从事光纤传感器的信号解调以及系统搭建等任务。



· Liu F, Xie S, Qiu X, et al. Efficient Common-Mode Noise Suppression for Fiber-Optic Interferometric Sensor Using Heterodyne Demodulation[J]. Journal of lightwave technology, 2016, 34(23): 5453-5461.

· Lin Y, Liu F, He X, et al. Distributed gas sensing with optical fibre photothermal interferometry[J]. Optics express, 2017, 25(25): 31568-31585.(共同一作)

· Liu F, et al. Acousto-optic modulation induced noises on heterodyne-interrogated interferometric fiber-optic sensors [J]. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, JLT- 20736-2017, 2017(submitted).

· Liu F, Wang X, et al. Field test of two 16-element fiber optic seismometer arrays[C].  International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015: 962016-962016-6.

· Liu F, Qiu X, Xie B, et al. A new measurement scheme for delay parameters in TDM fiber optic interferometric sensor network[C]. Optical Fiber Sensors Conference (OFS), 2017 25th. IEEE, 2017: 1-4.

· 刘飞, 颜晗, 华波, 等. 载波相位偏差对光纤检波器解调的影响[J]. 光学学报, 2017, 37(9): 0906001.


· 倾倒时可自动封闭防止溶液流失或危害的新型智能容器,已授权,2011100390333

· 时分复用光纤传感阵列的脉冲延时自动测量方法,已授权,2015104524890

· 基于脉冲模板函数的光纤传感阵列的脉冲延时测量方法,已公开,2016105645064

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